Saturday, May 30, 2015


Hi everybody!!

Today's the day! Back in January or so, we emailed the Somerville Arts Council about running another DANCE MUSEUM through their UnionArts initiative, and they said yes! Then in February we picked a date that seemed like a million years in the future - May 30th - but it turns out that after only a few months, May 30th actually exists and is happening right right now! And not only does it exist, but the skies are blue and the air is warm.

Come by Union Square (like, right in the square, smack dab in the plaza) and check out these dancers who will be performing:

Tyler Catanella*
Kara Fili
Nikki Girroir*
Merli V. Guerra*
Kimberleigh A. Holman*
Amy Mastrangelo*
Gracie Novikoff+
Jarid Polite*
Natalie Schiera+
Ellie Valliere
Tara Weaver

*Luminarium Dance Company

+Nozama Dance Collective

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