I love Lauren Conrad.
L.C.. From Laguna Beach. From The Hills. Yes, her. I love her because (despite her dalliance in not one, but two MTV reality series) she appears to me a real person who happens to now be famous. Only her kind of famous is a bit less in-your-face and a lot more "hey I'm going to do the things that I like to do, which happen to be cool and adorable and by the way I'm gonna earn a whole BUNCH of money doing it."
So anyway, I tend to read her blog. It's not nearly as self-indulgent as any pop TV princess could afford herself. Lauren and her "Team" of experts on how-to-be-a-woman post crafts, recipes, fashion tricks, health and fitness tips and ideal ways to respond to text messages from boys (thank god.) And all of this helpful information is trimmed in pink, skirted with tinted photos of flowers and foods, and organized with enough fancy, frilly fonts to keep you engaged, but not to overwhelm you with the realization of how bad you are at being a woman. Lauren and her "Team" make you feel, really, like you're almost there.
Lauren is perfect. Her blog is perfect. And that is why I am shamelessly stealing (but also giving full credit!) this post.
A few days after January 1, 2014, Lauren posted her personal (!!) resolutions in the answers of questions she posed to herself. She invited her readers to fill out theirs in the comment section. I, being a woman with a team of her own (Meghan) and a swarm of faithful followers (also Meghan) decided that I was going to challenge myself to this neat and organized array of resolve. So here it goes.
A bad habit I’m going to break:
Geez, LC, open with the big guns why don't you? I suppose I'm going to try in earnest to finish one project completely before starting another.
Geez, LC, open with the big guns why don't you? I suppose I'm going to try in earnest to finish one project completely before starting another.
A destination I’d like to visit:
Washington D.C.! Have I been before? Yes. Am I obsessed with American history? Also yes. While of course there are more exotic and novel places I'd like to visit, for now, I'd like to stick with the realistic in order to enhance my chance to achieve this ideal.
Washington D.C.! Have I been before? Yes. Am I obsessed with American history? Also yes. While of course there are more exotic and novel places I'd like to visit, for now, I'd like to stick with the realistic in order to enhance my chance to achieve this ideal.
I’m going to work harder at:
Stressing less. I've been making a conscious effort in the last few weeks and I am really feeling a difference in my self. Let's hope that I don't meta myself out before June.
Stressing less. I've been making a conscious effort in the last few weeks and I am really feeling a difference in my self. Let's hope that I don't meta myself out before June.
A project I’d like to finish:
The piece set to pop music I alluded to just a few entries ago.
The piece set to pop music I alluded to just a few entries ago.
A class I’d like to take:
Spanish. Or, I'd at least like to be in the company of people that would make speaking more Spanish capable. Not including my work clients who only speak Spanish. Though they are having some influence here.
Spanish. Or, I'd at least like to be in the company of people that would make speaking more Spanish capable. Not including my work clients who only speak Spanish. Though they are having some influence here.
I’d like to spend more time doing:
THINGS OUTSIDE OF MY APARTMENT AND EXPERIENCING LIFE. Basically I want to be with PEOPLE more often than I am liking their statuses.
THINGS OUTSIDE OF MY APARTMENT AND EXPERIENCING LIFE. Basically I want to be with PEOPLE more often than I am liking their statuses.
A food I want to eat more of:
Leftovers! I want to be better about cooking dinner, and thereby having a lunch the next day.
Leftovers! I want to be better about cooking dinner, and thereby having a lunch the next day.
I want to wear more: